Noravision Gallery


In the ever-evolving landscape of contemporary art, a pioneering force has emerged, seamlessly blending traditional artistic expression with cutting-edge technology and a profound commitment to sustainability. This force is embodied by the Noravision Gallery, a visionary concept that transcends the boundaries of conventional art spaces, offering a multifaceted experience that resonates with the zeitgeist of our times.

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The Visionary Behind Noravision

At the helm of this groundbreaking endeavor is Norma De Saint Picman, a Franco-Slovenian artist whose creative journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of innovation and a deep reverence for the natural world. De Saint Picman’s artistic oeuvre spans a diverse range of mediums, from oil paintings and sculptures to digital art and immersive installations, each piece a testament to her boundless creativity and unwavering dedication to her craft. [1]

Born from De Saint Picman’s pioneering vision, Noravision Gallery is a multifaceted platform that seamlessly integrates the realms of art, technology, and sustainability. Its core mission is to redefine the art world’s relationship with the environment, fostering a harmonious coexistence between artistic expression and ecological consciousness. [12]

Embracing Blockchain Technology

One of the defining aspects of Noravision Gallery is its embrace of blockchain technology, a revolutionary innovation that has profoundly impacted the art world. De Saint Picman recognized the potential of this decentralized ledger system early on, initiating the Noravision Decentralized Arts Ecosystem project in 2018. [1]

Through this ambitious endeavor, De Saint Picman envisioned a global art platform built on the principles of blockchain technology, interoperability, and the recognition of artworks as trustworthy financial investment assets. At the heart of this ecosystem lies the empowerment of artists, positioning them as autonomous value producers or “nodes,” dynamically engaging with investors, collectors, gallerists, and auction houses. [1]

As blockchain technology and interoperability continued to evolve, De Saint Picman entrusted the further development of this visionary project to others, redirecting her focus towards bridging the gap between classical arts and the realm of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) through the GesamtkunstwerkNFT project in the NoravisionsolarMetaverse Gallery. [1]

The Noravisionsolar Project

One of the most captivating aspects of Noravision Gallery is the Noravisionsolar project, a groundbreaking initiative that combines artistic expression with sustainable practices and creative upcycling. Launched in 2018 with the creation of the “Queen of Sun” (La Reine Soleil) diptych, this project involves the creation of oil paintings on repurposed solar panels, transforming these once-functional objects into stunning works of art. [4]

The Noravisionsolar project not only showcases De Saint Picman’s artistic prowess but also serves as a powerful statement on the importance of sustainability and environmental consciousness. By breathing new life into discarded solar panels, she challenges the notion of disposability and encourages a more circular approach to resource utilization. [4]

Notable examples of the Noravisionsolar series include “Luce dell eterno” at the Glass Cathedral Santa Chiara in Murano in 2020, “Artes Dei” at the Ljubljana Festival in the same year, and “Metamorphoses” at the Ministry of Culture in Ljubljana in 2021. More recently, De Saint Picman presented “Noravisionsolar The Garden of Eden” at the Digital Center of Slovenia during the Slovenian Presidency, “Between Night and Day” at Strmol Castle, and “Noravisionsolarmetaverse The Garden of Eden” at Bogenšperk Castle. [1][11]

Bridging Classical Arts and NFTs

While the Noravisionsolar project exemplifies De Saint Picman’s commitment to sustainability, her exploration of the NFT realm showcases her ability to seamlessly integrate traditional artistic practices with cutting-edge digital technologies. The GesamtkunstwerkNFT project, housed within the NoravisionsolarMetaverse Gallery, represents a bold attempt to bridge the gap between classical arts and the world of NFTs. [1]

Through this innovative endeavor, De Saint Picman invites viewers to experience her artworks in a wholly new and immersive way, transcending the physical constraints of traditional galleries and embracing the boundless possibilities of the digital realm. By tokenizing her creations as NFTs, she not only ensures their authenticity and provenance but also opens up new avenues for collectors and art enthusiasts to engage with and appreciate her work. [7]

Collaborations and Recognitions

Norma De Saint Picman’s visionary approach to art and her unwavering commitment to sustainability have garnered widespread recognition and accolades from various prestigious organizations and institutions. Her contributions to the Noravisionbridge project, which explored the applications of blockchain technology for sustainable objectives, were celebrated at events such as WEFLjubljana 2020, WEFEgypt 2020, and WEF Bangalore 2021, where she received awards for her exceptional contributions. [1]

Among the notable accolades bestowed upon De Saint Picman are the “Exceptional Women of Excellence” award at WEF2020 Ljubljana in February 2020, the “Iconic Woman Creating a Better World for All” award at the Annual WEF2020 Cairo in March 2020, and the same award at WEF2020 Bangalore in July 2020. Additionally, she received the Star of World Book of Records award in 2020 for her collaboration with the Indian educational platform MentorX. [1]

In 2021, De Saint Picman’s achievements were further recognized with the Golden Pinnacle Award by the National Sports & Youth Development Council, the Certificate of Honor by Revup, and the Women of Vision Award for Art and Culture, where she was named the “Most Creative Artist of the Year” in 2022. [1]

Exhibitions and Openings

Noravision Gallery’s impact extends far beyond its physical boundaries, with De Saint Picman’s works being showcased in numerous prestigious exhibitions and openings around the world. One notable event was the performance and exhibition held at the Atrium and Knights’ Hall in Ljubljana from September 24 to October 23, 2020, where De Saint Picman’s artistic vision was brought to life in a captivating display. [6]

Additionally, De Saint Picman’s artworks have been featured in over fifty solo exhibitions and participated in international art expositions, including prestigious events like the Figuration Critique in Paris, the Ceramic Biennale in Cluj, and Contemporary Venice in 2019. She has also collaborated with renowned galleries such as the Fürstenberg Gallery and the Hugues Bourdin Gallery, further solidifying her position as a prominent figure in the global art scene. [1]


Noravision Gallery stands as a testament to the boundless potential of art to transcend boundaries, challenge conventions, and inspire positive change. Through its seamless fusion of artistic expression, cutting-edge technology, and a profound commitment to sustainability, this visionary concept has redefined the art world’s relationship with the environment and opened up new avenues for artistic exploration and appreciation.

As the world continues to grapple with the pressing challenges of our time, Noravision Gallery serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that art has the power to not only captivate and inspire but also to catalyze meaningful change. With Norma De Saint Picman’s unwavering vision at its helm, this groundbreaking endeavor is poised to leave an indelible mark on the art world, inspiring future generations of artists and art enthusiasts to embrace a more sustainable and inclusive approach to creative expression. [1][12]

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]

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