Luce Gallery


Luce Gallery, located in the heart of Turin, Italy, has been a beacon for contemporary art enthusiasts since its inception in 2009. Founded by Nikola Cernetic, this dynamic gallery has made it its mission to discover and support international young talents through exhibitions and art fairs worldwide[4].

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Over the past decade, Luce Gallery has played a pivotal role in nurturing the careers of emerging artists. Many of the artists who first showcased their work at the gallery have since established themselves on the international stage, exhibiting in galleries and museums around the globe[4]. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the gallery’s dedication to its artists’ continuous professional development.

Exhibitions and Art Fairs

Luce Gallery maintains a regular program of exhibitions, showcasing a diverse range of contemporary art. From painting to sculpture and beyond, the gallery’s exhibitions offer visitors a glimpse into the creative minds of its represented artists[1][2]. In addition to these in-person exhibitions, the gallery also has a strong online presence, with platforms on Artsy and Artland where artworks and exhibitions can be viewed and purchased[3][4].

The gallery’s participation in art fairs, such as the Dallas Art Fair and Untitled Art Miami Beach, further extends its reach and introduces new audiences to its artists[4]. These events provide opportunities for collectors and art enthusiasts to discover the gallery’s offerings and engage with the contemporary art scene.

Supporting Young Talents

One of the most admirable aspects of Luce Gallery is its commitment to supporting young and emerging artists. By providing a platform for their work to be showcased, the gallery plays a crucial role in launching and nurturing their careers[4]. This dedication has resulted in the introduction of numerous new artists to the contemporary art scene, enriching the cultural landscape and inspiring future generations of creatives.

Luce Gallery stands as a shining example of what a contemporary art gallery should be: a space that celebrates creativity, fosters talent, and connects artists with collectors and art lovers alike. With its impressive roster of artists, engaging exhibitions, and active participation in the global art market, Luce Gallery continues to make a significant impact on the world of contemporary art.


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