Gallery 2.0


Gallery 2.0 is a unique and dynamic space located in the heart of Sofia, Bulgaria. Founded in 2015 by Maria Stefanova, this innovative gallery is more than just a traditional exhibition space – it’s a constantly evolving hub for art, people, and events[2].

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The gallery’s name, “2.0,” reflects its mission to be a new version of what a gallery can be. Housed in a former supermarket, the space has been transformed into a bar, coworking area, and projection hall, creating a multifunctional and inviting atmosphere[3].

One of the key aspects of Gallery 2.0 is its commitment to bringing people together through art. The gallery hosts a variety of exhibitions, events, and workshops that encourage interaction and engagement with the works on display. Whether you’re an art enthusiast, a curious passerby, or simply someone looking for a unique social experience, Gallery 2.0 has something to offer[1][3].

The gallery’s location in the heart of Sofia’s Center district makes it easily accessible to both locals and visitors. The area is known for its concentration of administrative buildings, museums, and popular tourist attractions, as well as some of the city’s best restaurants, cafes, bars, and nightlife spots[3].

Gallery 2.0 is more than just a physical space – it’s a reflection of Sofia’s vibrant and evolving art scene. The city, often described as “dormant” where things happen at a slow pace, has found a new energy and excitement in Gallery 2.0[5].

As you step into the gallery, you’ll be greeted by a fresh and inviting atmosphere. The space is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing for a wide range of exhibitions and events. Whether you’re interested in contemporary art, photography, or multimedia installations, Gallery 2.0 has something to offer[1][3].

One of the most exciting aspects of Gallery 2.0 is its commitment to showcasing the work of both established and emerging artists. The gallery’s program is curated with an eye towards diversity and innovation, ensuring that visitors are always exposed to new and exciting work[2].

In addition to its exhibition program, Gallery 2.0 also offers a range of educational and community-based initiatives. From artist talks and workshops to film screenings and book launches, the gallery is dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of art[3].

As Sofia continues to evolve and grow, Gallery 2.0 stands as a testament to the power of art to bring people together and transform communities. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, a seasoned art lover or a curious newcomer, Gallery 2.0 is a must-visit destination in the heart of Sofia’s vibrant cultural landscape.


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