Catherine Edelman Gallery Chicago Il


Catherine Edelman Gallery, a prominent institution in the realm of contemporary photography, has played a significant role in the art scene of Chicago since its inception in 1987. Celebrating its 35th anniversary in December 2022, the gallery has established itself as a vital platform for both established and emerging photographers, showcasing a diverse range of photographic works that appeal to collectors and art enthusiasts alike.

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A Legacy of Contemporary Photography

Founded by Catherine Edelman, the gallery was one of the first in Chicago to focus exclusively on contemporary photography. Over the years, it has become a leading venue for fine art photography in the United States, hosting more than 250 public exhibitions featuring over 200 artists. The gallery’s commitment to promoting a broad spectrum of subject matter has attracted both seasoned collectors and first-time buyers, making it a hub for photography lovers.

The gallery’s programming has included artist talks, panel discussions, and educational resources, enriching the community’s engagement with photography. Edelman’s vision was not only to showcase art but also to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the medium.

Transition to a New Era

In early 2021, Catherine Edelman Gallery transitioned to a private model, closing its physical space while continuing to represent several photographers through online exhibitions and private consultations. This shift allowed Edelman to adapt to changing circumstances in the art world while maintaining her commitment to the artists she represents. The gallery’s website now serves as a resource for art lovers, offering a wealth of information about the artists and their work, as well as interviews and educational materials.

Notable Contributions and Initiatives

Beyond its exhibitions, the gallery has been involved in various initiatives that highlight important social issues. In 2018, Edelman co-founded the CASE Art Fund, which raises awareness about children’s human rights through photography. This nonprofit organization aims to support and exhibit works that address critical social issues, further extending the gallery’s impact beyond the art community.

Catherine Edelman Gallery has left an indelible mark on the Chicago art scene and the broader photography community. Through its dedication to contemporary photography and its innovative programming, the gallery has fostered a vibrant environment for artists and collectors alike. While it has transitioned away from a physical space, its legacy continues through its online presence and ongoing support of photographers. The gallery remains a testament to the power of art in addressing social issues and enriching cultural discourse.


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