Gallery 1202


Gallery 1202 is a contemporary art gallery located in the charming downtown area of Gilroy, California, founded by Emily McEwan-Upright in the fall of 2019. [1] This feminist-minded gallery has quickly established itself as a vibrant hub for showcasing diverse artistic voices, both locally and internationally.

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A Feminist Vision

From its inception, Gallery 1202 has been driven by a clear mission: to elevate marginalized artists, particularly women, and challenge traditional boundaries within the art world. [2] The gallery’s inaugural exhibition, “Show Me Your Neon: A Feminist Dialogue,” set the tone for this ethos, featuring works that explored the challenges faced by women artists, mothers, and individuals from various cultural backgrounds. [2]

McEwan-Upright’s vision for the gallery stems from her own experiences as an artist and mother. “Women who are doing art at two o’clock in the morning because that’s when their baby is sleeping, that’s hard for them. It’s hard for them to find representation,” she explains. “People think that they’re distracted by their children, whereas I think it can inspire them too. It’s all about this balance in life.” [2]

Diverse Representation

One of the gallery’s strengths lies in its commitment to showcasing a diverse array of artists from various backgrounds and mediums. [2] Exhibitions have featured artists from countries like Slovakia and India, alongside local talents from the Bay Area. [2] This diversity extends beyond geographical boundaries, as Gallery 1202 has also challenged the traditional divide between fine arts and crafts by featuring artists working with mediums such as fiber and textiles. [2]

McEwan-Upright’s curatorial approach is driven by a desire to amplify voices that have historically been marginalized within the art world. “I definitely have a mission for the gallery. I want to elevate the artists in Gilroy, but also elevate these marginalized voices that haven’t been able to be represented because of either sex, race, or materials. That’s my big thing—do that while exposing people in Gilroy to more artists,” she explains. [2]

Exhibitions and Events

Gallery 1202 has hosted a wide range of exhibitions and events, each one reflecting its commitment to fostering dialogue and promoting artistic expression. Recent exhibitions include “RENEWAL: A Small Works Group Show,” which featured 18 local and international artists exploring themes of growth and renewal in the aftermath of the COVID-19 lockdown. [1] The show aimed to make art accessible to both new and veteran collectors, with all works priced under $1,000 and measuring no larger than 24×24 inches. [1]

Another notable exhibition was “(Self)LOVE,” a group show that centered around the importance of self-care, self-awareness, and mental health during the pandemic and political upheaval of 2020. [1] The selected pieces represented lessons learned about self-preservation during times of unrest, highlighting the gallery’s commitment to addressing contemporary issues through art. [1]

In addition to exhibitions, Gallery 1202 hosts various events, such as opening and closing receptions, artist talks, and live music performances. [1] These events provide opportunities for the community to engage with the artists and their work, fostering a deeper appreciation for the creative process and the stories behind the art.

Community Engagement

While Gallery 1202 has gained international recognition for its exhibitions, it remains deeply rooted in the local community of Gilroy. McEwan-Upright’s goal is to not only expose Gilroy residents to a diverse range of artists but also to elevate and support local talent. [2]

The gallery’s commitment to community engagement is evident in its partnerships with local organizations and initiatives. For example, Gallery 1202 has collaborated with the Black Wall Street Gallery in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to bring its powerful “Women (Un)Silenced” exhibition to a wider audience. [1]

Online Presence and Global Reach

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Gallery 1202 has adapted and expanded its online presence, finding success in selling artworks through platforms like Artsy, Artnet, and 1stdibs. [2] This digital shift has allowed the gallery to reach a global audience, with McEwan-Upright regularly selling works across the country and around the world. [2]

“Online, there is no difference between a gallery in New York City, Los Angeles, or Gilroy. It is the art that moves,” McEwan-Upright notes, emphasizing the democratizing power of the internet in the art world. [2]

A Bright Future

As Gallery 1202 continues to grow and evolve, its commitment to fostering artistic expression and amplifying marginalized voices remains unwavering. With its diverse exhibitions, community engagement initiatives, and expanding online presence, the gallery is poised to make a lasting impact on the contemporary art scene, both locally and globally.

McEwan-Upright’s vision for the gallery is clear: “I want to hone in on women, black women who work in contemporary art. I want to hone in on people who do textile works and why is that a craft, things like that.” [2] By challenging traditional boundaries and giving a platform to underrepresented artists, Gallery 1202 is not only enriching the cultural landscape of Gilroy but also contributing to a more inclusive and diverse art world.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5],23.htm [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]

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