Axis Gallery


Nestled in the heart of downtown Sacramento, Axis Gallery has been a vital part of the city’s thriving art scene for over 15 years[12]. This artist-run space is known for exhibiting challenging and thought-provoking contemporary artwork from both local and national artists[11].

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History and Mission

Axis Gallery was founded in the early 2000s by a group of Sacramento artists who wanted to create a space to showcase cutting-edge art that pushed boundaries. Over the years, the gallery has built a reputation as one of the premier venues for contemporary art in the region.

The gallery’s mission is to provide a platform for artists to experiment, take risks, and engage in a dialogue with the community. As artist Mark Emerson puts it, “Axis is a collective with a rich history of artists and the potential to grow based on the shared knowledge of past and present members.”[13]


Axis Gallery hosts monthly exhibitions featuring work from a diverse range of artists working in various mediums including painting, sculpture, installation, photography, and video. The gallery prides itself on presenting rigorous and thought-provoking shows[18].

Some notable past exhibitions include:

  • “The Power of Art for Change” featuring selections from the art collection of Thomas Dewitt. Dewitt has been collecting art nationally and internationally for about 15 years.[20]
  • A two-person show with Mark Emerson and Justin Marsh that explored themes of memory, place, and identity.[13]
  • National juried shows that bring together artists from across the country.[5]

The gallery also participates in Sacramento’s popular monthly Second Saturday art walk, when galleries, museums, and businesses stay open late and the streets come alive with art lovers.

Artist-Run Ethos

One of the things that sets Axis Gallery apart is its artist-run model. The gallery is operated by a collective of local artists who curate the shows, install the exhibitions, and staff the space.

This model allows for a great deal of experimentation and risk-taking. The artists involved have a deep understanding of the creative process and are passionate about supporting boundary-pushing work.

As a nonprofit, the gallery is able to prioritize artistic merit over commercial concerns. This allows them to show work that might be challenging or not have immediate market appeal.

Community Engagement

In addition to its exhibition program, Axis Gallery is committed to engaging with the broader Sacramento community. The gallery regularly hosts artist talks, workshops, and other events that are open to the public.

Axis also maintains a list of resources on their website for other art organizations, galleries, and museums in the region, demonstrating their commitment to supporting the local arts ecosystem.[15]

The gallery has partnered with other local institutions like Verge Center for the Arts, which shares a space with Axis.[11] These partnerships allow for cross-pollination of ideas and audiences.

Physical Space

Axis Gallery is located at 625 S Street in Sacramento, in a historic building that provides a unique setting for experiencing art. With its wood floors, white walls, and abundant natural light, the space itself is a work of art.

The gallery is open to the public Friday through Sunday from noon to 5pm.[12] Visitors are encouraged to take their time exploring the exhibitions and engaging with the work on display.

Supporting Emerging Artists

One of Axis Gallery’s key roles in the Sacramento art scene is providing a launchpad for emerging artists. The gallery is often one of the first places that up-and-coming artists have the opportunity to show their work in a professional setting.

Many artists who got their start at Axis have gone on to have successful careers, showing their work at museums and galleries around the country. The gallery takes great pride in identifying and nurturing new talent.

Challenges and Opportunities

Like many small nonprofit arts organizations, Axis Gallery faces challenges when it comes to funding and sustainability. The gallery relies on a combination of member dues, donations, and grants to keep the lights on and continue its programming.

Despite these challenges, the gallery remains committed to its mission of supporting contemporary art and artists. As the Sacramento art scene continues to grow and evolve, Axis Gallery is well-positioned to play a vital role.

Moving forward, the gallery is looking for ways to expand its reach and impact. This might include partnering with other arts organizations, increasing its online presence, or finding new ways to engage with audiences.


For over 15 years, Axis Gallery has been a vital part of the Sacramento art community, providing a platform for contemporary artists to take risks, experiment, and engage with the public. Through its exhibitions, events, and community partnerships, the gallery has helped to put Sacramento on the map as a destination for cutting-edge art.

As an artist-run space, Axis Gallery embodies the DIY spirit that has long been a hallmark of the Sacramento art scene. Its success is a testament to the passion, creativity, and hard work of the artists involved.

If you find yourself in Sacramento, be sure to stop by Axis Gallery and experience some of the most exciting contemporary art being made today. With its commitment to artistic excellence and community engagement, Axis is sure to continue playing a vital role in the region’s cultural landscape for years to come.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]

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