Black Pony Gallery


Black Pony Gallery is an innovative online platform that showcases the work of talented emerging and mid-career artists from the Caribbean region. Founded by Lisa Howie, the former executive director of the Bermuda National Gallery, Black Pony represents artists whose work challenges traditional notions of “island art.”[1]

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Representing Artists from Five Islands

What makes Black Pony Gallery unique is its focus on artists from a specific geographic area – the Caribbean islands of Bermuda, Cuba, The Bahamas, Cayman, and Turks & Caicos. By honing in on this region, the gallery is able to highlight the immense artistic talent emerging from these culturally rich islands.[1]

Currently, Black Pony represents 15 artists working in a variety of mediums including painting, sculpture, mixed media, and photography. While the artists hail from different islands, their work collectively speaks to themes of identity, place, and the complexities of life in the Caribbean.[1]

Some of the notable artists represented by Black Pony include:

  • Meredith Andrews (Bermuda) – Andrews creates evocative abstract paintings inspired by Bermuda’s natural environment. Her use of color and texture captures the essence of the island’s lush vegetation and turquoise waters.[1]
  • Nasaria Suckoo Chollette (Cayman Islands) – Chollette’s mixed media works explore Afro-Caribbean identity and the legacy of slavery in the Cayman Islands. She incorporates materials like sand, shells, and archival photographs into powerful assemblages.[2]
  • Niels Reyes (Cuba) – Reyes’ paintings and sculptures address sociopolitical issues in contemporary Cuba with a provocative, satirical edge. His work “epitomizes that spirit of change latent in the new artistic productions of Cuba,” according to curator Arianna Covas.[1]

Online Exhibitions

As an online gallery, Black Pony presents curated exhibitions on their website, allowing viewers from around the world to engage with artwork by Caribbean artists. The gallery typically presents solo exhibitions highlighting a specific artist’s newest body of work.

For example, their recent show “Leonor Almeida Pereira: Vulcões com Pássaros Dentro | Volcanoes with Birds Inside” featured nine mixed-media works on paper by the Portuguese artist who resides in the Azores. Almeida Pereira’s abstract compositions are inspired by the volcanic landscapes and sounds of birds native to the islands.[1]

Other recent online exhibitions have showcased Bermudian painter Teresa Kirby Smith, Bahamian master artist Antonius Roberts, and emerging Cuban artist Niels Reyes.[1] By presenting focused solo shows, Black Pony allows viewers to dive deep into each artist’s unique practice.

The gallery also participates in international online art fairs to expand the reach of their artists. In June 2023, Black Pony will take part in the Atlantic World Art Fair for the second time, presenting 28 artworks by seven artists from five Caribbean islands.[1]

Partnerships and Exhibitions

In addition to their online presence, Black Pony Gallery has partnered with businesses and art fairs to present artwork in person. This allows the gallery to engage with local audiences and promote Caribbean artists to new markets.

In 2023, Black Pony launched a long-term exhibition at the Cambridge Beaches Resort in Bermuda, installing artwork throughout the hotel’s reception area. The show features paintings and prints by Bermudian artists like Meredith Andrews and Graham Foster alongside work by Caymanian Nasaria Suckoo Chollette and Cuban artist Osmeivy Ortega.[1]

Black Pony also recently participated in the Bahamas FUZE Art Expo, an international art fair held in Nassau. The gallery presented work by several of their artists at the fair, helping raise the profile of Caribbean contemporary art.[2]

These partnerships and fair presentations are an important part of Black Pony’s mission to support artists from the region and share their work with a global audience. By exhibiting in hotels, the gallery exposes tourists to vibrant contemporary Caribbean art. Participating in fairs like FUZE positions Black Pony’s artists in an international context.

Supporting Emerging Artists

One of the key aspects of Black Pony Gallery’s program is its commitment to supporting emerging artists and helping them advance their careers. The gallery works closely with the artists it represents, providing guidance and opportunities for professional development.

For early-career artists, being represented by a gallery like Black Pony provides vital exposure and validation. It can lead to increased sales, commissions, and exhibition opportunities that allow emerging artists to dedicate more time to their studio practice.

Black Pony also plays an important role in documenting and contextualizing the work of Caribbean artists. By publishing artist interviews, critical essays, and exhibition catalogs, the gallery helps build a deeper understanding of contemporary Caribbean art and its place in the broader art world.

Building a Market for Caribbean Art

Ultimately, Black Pony Gallery’s goal is to build a strong market for contemporary art from the Caribbean region. By championing talented artists and presenting their work in a professional context, the gallery is helping to elevate the status of Caribbean art on the international stage.

Historically, artwork from the Caribbean islands has often been pigeonholed as tourist art or relegated to the margins of the art world. Galleries like Black Pony are working to change that perception by showing that the region is home to a thriving contemporary art scene with a diverse range of voices and perspectives.

Through their online exhibitions, partnerships, and art fair presentations, Black Pony is introducing Caribbean artists to new audiences of collectors, curators, and art enthusiasts. As more people discover and appreciate the work of these talented artists, the market for Caribbean contemporary art will continue to grow.

A Vital Resource for Caribbean Art

For anyone interested in exploring the vibrant world of contemporary Caribbean art, Black Pony Gallery is an essential resource. Through their website, you can discover a curated selection of some of the most exciting emerging and mid-career artists working in the region today.

Whether you’re a seasoned collector looking to diversify your collection or a curious art lover eager to learn about a burgeoning art scene, Black Pony Gallery offers a wealth of engaging artwork and informative content. By supporting the gallery and the artists it represents, you can help champion Caribbean contemporary art and ensure that these vital artistic voices continue to be heard.

To learn more about Black Pony Gallery and the artists it represents, visit You can browse current and past exhibitions, read artist interviews and essays, and inquire about purchasing artwork. Follow the gallery on social media to stay up to date on their latest projects and discover new Caribbean artists on the rise.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]

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