Cynthia Corbett Gallery


The Cynthia Corbett Gallery, a London-based contemporary art gallery, has been making waves in the international art scene since its establishment in 2004 by American former economist, art historian, and curator Cynthia Valianti Corbett. With a mission to represent and support both emerging and established contemporary artists from diverse backgrounds, the gallery has become known for its innovative and visionary approach to the art world[1][3].

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A Nomadic Gallery with a Global Reach

One of the defining features of the Cynthia Corbett Gallery is its nomadic nature. Rather than being tied to a single physical location, the gallery has a broad annual exhibition program that includes international art fairs and collaborative projects worldwide[1]. This allows the gallery to reach a wider audience and provide its artists with exposure on a global scale.

The gallery’s represented and guest artists come from British, American, and international backgrounds, and their works have been published and acquired by major museums, institutions, and private collections[1]. This is a testament to the gallery’s keen eye for talent and its ability to nurture and promote artists at different stages of their careers.

Supporting Women, Queer, and Artists of Color

Since its inception, the Cynthia Corbett Gallery has been committed to championing the work of women artists, queer artists, and artists of color working across a wide range of media[1]. This focus on diversity and inclusion sets the gallery apart and reflects Cynthia Corbett’s passion for supporting artists from all backgrounds.

In an interview, Corbett stated, “I am particularly passionate about supporting women artists from all cultural backgrounds and working in a variety of media in different locations internationally.”[2] This commitment to diversity is evident in the gallery’s roster of artists and its exhibitions.

Nurturing Talent and Placing Works in Prestigious Collections

The Cynthia Corbett Gallery has a remarkable track record of nurturing artists and placing their work in prestigious public and private collections. Some notable acquisitions include the V&A, National Museums of Scotland, 21c Museum Hotels, and private collections such as Omer Koc and Jorge Perez[1].

This success can be attributed to Corbett’s close relationships with her artists and her dedication to supporting them throughout their careers. “It is very important for me to support artists, it’s one of the many reasons I decided to open my own gallery!” she said in an interview[2].

The Young Masters Art Prize: Celebrating Skill and Innovation

In 2009, Cynthia Corbett launched the Young Masters Art Prize, a unique, not-for-profit curatorial platform that supports emerging international artists[1]. The prize celebrates artistic skill and innovation, with an awareness of the Old Masters and art of the past[1].

The Young Masters Art Prize has become a key part of the gallery’s mission to discover and support emerging talent. Many of the prize’s shortlisted artists and winners, such as Lluis Barba, Matt Smith, and Isabelle van Zeijl, have gone on to be represented by the gallery and have successful careers[2].

Adapting to the Challenges of the Pandemic

Like many businesses, the Cynthia Corbett Gallery had to adapt to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Corbett saw this as an opportunity to pivot the gallery’s focus to a more digital and online presence[2].

Through online platforms like Zoom and Instagram, the gallery was able to continue discovering and meeting artists from around the world, and hosting online shows and viewing rooms[2]. This allowed even more collectors from all over the world to access works from the gallery’s artists[2].

A Passion for Art and Supporting Artists

At the heart of the Cynthia Corbett Gallery is Cynthia Corbett’s passion for art and her dedication to supporting artists. With her background as an economist and art historian, Corbett brings a unique perspective to the art world[6].

“I wanted to find exciting, high quality, bold work that I loved and I knew that my collectors would love too,” Corbett said of her decision to open her own gallery[2]. “I think my personality really comes across through the work that I show and the artists that I represent. That’s the hallmark of my gallery; visionary, innovative, and exciting.”[2]

This passion and vision have driven the gallery’s success over the past two decades, and continue to inspire its future endeavors.

Looking to the Future

As the Cynthia Corbett Gallery looks to the future, it remains committed to its mission of supporting and promoting contemporary artists from diverse backgrounds. With its innovative approach, global reach, and dedication to nurturing talent, the gallery is well-positioned to continue making a significant impact on the international art scene.

Through initiatives like the Young Masters Art Prize, collaborations with artists and institutions worldwide, and a strong online presence, the Cynthia Corbett Gallery is poised to continue championing the work of emerging and established contemporary artists for years to come.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]…-cynthia-corbett/ [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]

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