Gladstone Gallery


Gladstone Gallery has long been a beacon for art enthusiasts seeking to engage with the most innovative and thought-provoking works of contemporary art. Founded in 1980 by the visionary Barbara Gladstone, this renowned gallery has established itself as a premier destination for discovering emerging talents and established masters alike.

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Diverse Representation

One of the hallmarks of Gladstone Gallery is its commitment to representing a diverse stable of artists. From the bold, conceptual pieces of Anish Kapoor to the evocative photographic works of Shirin Neshat, the gallery’s roster spans a wide range of mediums, styles, and cultural perspectives. This diversity not only reflects the vibrant landscape of contemporary art but also challenges visitors to expand their artistic horizons.

Immersive Exhibitions

Stepping into a Gladstone Gallery exhibition is akin to embarking on a transformative journey. The spaces are thoughtfully curated to create an immersive experience, allowing visitors to fully engage with the artwork on display. Whether it’s the captivating video installations of Bill Viola or the intricate sculptural works of Isa Genzken, each exhibition is designed to provoke a visceral and intellectual response.

Fostering Emerging Talent

Alongside its representation of established artists, Gladstone Gallery has a keen eye for identifying and nurturing emerging talents. By providing a platform for these up-and-coming creators, the gallery plays a vital role in shaping the future of contemporary art. Visitors to Gladstone can expect to encounter thought-provoking works that challenge conventional boundaries and push the limits of artistic expression.

Expanding Horizons

Beyond its New York flagship, Gladstone Gallery has expanded its reach with additional locations in Brussels and Seoul. This global presence allows the gallery to showcase a truly international roster of artists, further broadening the perspectives and experiences available to its audience. Whether you’re a seasoned art enthusiast or a curious newcomer, a visit to Gladstone Gallery promises to expand your understanding and appreciation of the dynamic world of contemporary art.


Gladstone Gallery stands as a beacon of innovation, diversity, and artistic excellence in the ever-evolving landscape of contemporary art. By championing a wide range of voices and mediums, the gallery invites visitors to embark on a transformative journey of discovery, challenging preconceptions and expanding artistic horizons. As you step through the doors of Gladstone, prepare to be captivated, inspired, and forever changed by the power of contemporary art.

If you have any questions or would to work with us on your next shipment, Contact us here.